
Wednesday 12 February 2014

Database Design Component

Conceptual database design component

  • Entity ‘’object’’ about which data is collect it may be a person ,place,event,actual,or simple a concept .instance an individual occurrence of an entity .external entity: an entity used to exchange data but which Is not store in the database Attribute a unit fact about particular entity;the fact should be atimic (indivisible)
  • Relationship an association among entities (see relationship section below)
  • Business rule: policy,procedure,or a standard that an organization uses and which dictates certain control on the data ;often implemented in database as constraints

  • Maximum cardinality: the maximum number of instances one entity can be associated with
  • Transferable a relationships is transferable if the parent may change over time
  • One-to-one .conditional in one direction : means that a corresponding Record may or not be found on the optional side of the Relationship .
  • conditional in both direction : means that a corresponding Record may or not be found on the optional side of the Relationship .
  • mandatory in one direction : means that a corresponding Record must exist on the mandatory side of the relation .
  • mandatory in both direction : means that corresponding record must be found on both side relationships One-to many : indicates that a record in oine table may be related to many (usually 0+) record in another table
  • Intersection data:data that is associated with two related entities in a many-to-many relationship and which only make sense when associated with both related entities ; intersection data can be placed (mapped) into a separated table to help relational database handle the many –to


  • Graphical data model
  • Entities are represent by rectangle
  • Unique edentifier (primary key) located in rectangle at top of the entity rectangle its is unique identifier for

Employee ID
Last name
First name
hourly rate

  • Relationships
  • Zero or zero one :

  • Exactly one:


  • One or more:

  • Zero or more :

  • Business rules are not usually  includes in the ERD graphic , but are often includes as text attachements

    Logical Database design components

  • Tables: a 2-D logical structure like a grid where each row contains attributes about a single instance of the entity type the table represent , and each column represent a particular attributes :

    a.Entities are sometimes split into two tables
    b.different entitites are sometimes merged into a signal     table
    c.entities are usually namd using a plural , while tables are named in the singular
    d.different DBMSs and organizations have different naming standard,buts assume that mixed case and spaces within names can cause conversion problem later , and that underscores are useful for separating words within a name

  • Column: the smallest named unit of data in a database
    a. Columns must be given a data type
    b. Data types helps the database store data efficiently
    c. Data type restrict attributes value of the correct data type   and provides a set of behavior consistent with the speciefied data type (such as addition,subtraction,etc for numbers)
    d. Unfortunately,different vendors support differing zoos of data type

  • Contraints :rules that restrict allowable data values
    A. primary key: one or more columns that uniquely identify a particular row in a table
      I . the constraint is that duplicate values are not allowed in  the primary key column(s) of a table
     II. Primary keys are usually implemented as an index
    III. An index speeds up searches

    B. Foreign key; a field on the many-side side of a one-to-many relationship that uniquely identify one row in another table (usually by using the primary key in the latter table)

    C. Referential constraints:
     I. can check for parent record when inserting new child record (using the child’s record foreign key to check for a matching parent record )

    II. Don’t allow modification of child record’s foreign key if the new value is not represent by an instance in the parent table

    III. Can delete all matching child record when a parent record is deleted

    D. Intergrity constraints : used to make sure field( attributes) values that are invalid are not allowed
      I.may check for a range of values or specific valid value
     II.may check for NOT NULL

    E. Triggers : a Triggers is a program stored in a database that runs when a specific events happens. Triggers can be used to validate data(among other things)

  • Surrogate key : a key used to replaced what would be the natural key for an entity
  • Views: refer to the ways different user may see the same database differently

    a.views are stored quires(virtual table)
    b.views a hide column(cleaner,more secure)
    c.views can hide tables(cleaner,more secure)
    d.views can hide complex operation such as joins
    e.views may improve query performance

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